Best Western Plus City Hotel i Oslo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeBest Western Plus City Hotel



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30, Kirkegata, 0153, Oslo, Oslo kommune, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 22 42 11 50
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.9114742, Longitude: 10.7452061

kommentar 5

  • Duncan Murray

    Duncan Murray


    Outstanding They looking after us all so well which made our special convention that much more special

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    Douglas Jones


    Not a BW PLUS HOTEL. Room very very small. Breakfast was the best thing about the place. Construction work & loud noise all night long.

  • Marco Abate

    Marco Abate


    The hotel is located in a super convenient position ! The hall and the rooms are brand new and super comfortable. The Reception Staff is very nice and kind. I will definetly come back next time !

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    Kelly Parrott


    Very well located to explore from, but there was building work whilst I was there which the windows didn't protect from enough, so I was woken at 6am every morning. The lift was very temperamental, got stuck in it once and had to lug my suitcase down the stairs. The room was compact and was the bathroom with an expensive minibar. There is a supermarket a short walk away where much more reasonable for water etc. The breakfast even with the unreasonably early start to the day was always tepid. The only plus was the friendly people on reception

  • Henrikas



    Good hotel for the price, breakfast just very basic, could be ok for a day or two. Rooms recently renovated and very clean, big TV on screen and BBC channel is available (what is not a case in all Oslo hotels). Elevator was not working, so I believe they are still finishing renovation. Not too good if You plan to do some work with laptop in Your room, table very narrow, basically it is more convenient to work with laptop in bed.

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