BG Bilrekvisita AS i Stavanger

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeBG Bilrekvisita AS



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102, Hillevågsveien, 4016, Stavanger, Stavanger, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 51 56 10 00
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Latitude: 58.9417118, Longitude: 5.7465809

kommentar 5

  • Thor Morten Smerud

    Thor Morten Smerud


    Helpful and knowledgeable, but the store is a mess and pricing on items, at least on roof boxes, are non-existent. We asked and got two different prices from two different people for the same box. The place seems a bit...shady.

  • Carlos Lluna

    Carlos Lluna


    Completely unreliable and unprofessional. They took my car in to check a light not working and told us it would be done in 3 hours. My wife then went to pick it up and they had no idea when it would be ready since apparently their workshop is in Sandnes and the mechanic was not picking up the phone. They told my wife to wait, but after an hour waiting with our 4-month baby she took a bus home. They refused to provide a replacement car or even pay for a taxi. SIX and a half hours later, and after several phone calls that only got me a whole load of excuses and bulls**t, I managed to get the car back, and this Dan guy even seemed to be surprised that I demanded an invoice. "What do you want me to write in here?" he asked. Stay away from this place!

  • en

    Anita Bose


    Awful. Rude, horrible service, and completely unprofessional and illegal ways of handling things.

  • Ayesha Boo

    Ayesha Boo


    NEVER EVER BUY SERVICES FROM THEM! So unprofessional! We gave in the car at 16:00 and were told we would get the car by 20:00, max 21:00 at the latest. We were to wait at their store around the time they were done and they would call when they were returning it from the garage. After waiting a while we called but they did not answer their phone at first. After waiting a long time and then finally calling again they said they would take ANOTHER hour. That the mother had been sick so they were delayed. Eventually, this became a cycle where we would wait, call and they kept postponing. Finally when it was almost 00:00 we asked them to just bring the car back -with or without the tow bar- we just wanted to go home. Then the person proceeded to THREATEN to refuse to bring the car unless we paid in advance for services we had not even seen yet. He asked for us to come the next day as well. Was more concerned about getting the money than the bad customer service. When the car finally came in (1.5 hours later) and we wanted to put our things in the car, he refused to give us the keys and literally ran into the store ignoring us. He continued to refuse us the keys until we paid first. When I said he legally was not allowed to hold our own car keys ransom, he called me dramatic, yet continued to refuse to give them back. We had no intention of not paying. He could have sent us the bill as well regardless of if we paid or not. We were two women (one elderly) all alone in Stavanger heading towards Bergen, forced to wait 9 hours for a tow bar to be installed rather than the 4-5 promised hours. Without any guarantee that the car would be arriving at all. Phones were basically nearly dead, we didn't dare waste our battery looking for a hotel vs. calling them. Who then had to drive to Bergen at 1:30 am vs. 2100. Which resulted in us missing the last ferry. Thus having to wait an extra 1.5 hours in the middle of no where. We reached home only by 8-9am instead of the 1-2am timing we assumed. You will not find any ruder or more terrible customer service. I wish I had seen the reviews before coming here.

  • bestsmile 87

    bestsmile 87


    I have been cheated at this shop. Dan the owner quoted me 5900 to 6900kr to install a towbar. I went there several times and had to wait 3 hours at the shop before he told me that his mechanic did not show up or his daughter was sick etc.. He promised 15% as compensation for all my waiting time He promised to finish the car at 5pm but unable to deliver again. I had to come back the next day. I paid 6000kr which he accepted and agreed to give a receipt.I handed him the cash and AFTER putting my cash into his drawer, he then change to demand further 900kr because he said his mechanic took more time. This was witnessed by his assistant and other customers. Dan refused to give a receipt for the cash I paid unless I pay him further 900kr. Everyone clearly heard him agreed to accept 6000kr and promised to give a receipt. After cash payment he refused to give a receipt. This is clearly unethical behavior. I will NEVER do business with him again. His promises have no value to me because he lied and tricked. Once he took the cash as agreed, he would then demand more money. I swear before God the truth of my statement.

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