Clarion Collection Hotel Havnekontoret i Bergen

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NorgeClarion Collection Hotel Havnekontoret



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1, Slottsgaten, 5003, Bergen, Bergen, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 55 60 11 00
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Latitude: 60.398123, Longitude: 5.321432

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Noonan

    Andrew Noonan


    Niche, very clean, excellent location but off the busy part of the wharf.

  • Stacey Mendoza

    Stacey Mendoza


    Very understaffed! One girl at front desk in evening, she had to get us more towels because no one else was there. Hotel lobby attractive, hallways are dark. There is a step up into the bathroom, that is not marked so its east to trip on. Shower is a tub, with one of those shower curtain rings. Water goes everywhere. I loved the town but hard to believe that this was their best hotel per our travel agent. Morning buffet good, evening one, well I would suggest eating out.

  • en

    Judit Garzo


    My favourite hotel in Norway. Perfect location, great service. Staff is the best!

  • David Kaissling

    David Kaissling


    Not sure how this ever got 4 star rating. 2x the cost of Radisson next door. Restaurant is terrible, dark, crowded. The Radisson is modern and much higher capacity. Full modern kitchen vs pass through window. Paid for 2 nights “that included food”. We ended up eating out. Dinners were marginal at best, don’t be fooled with “breakfast and dinner included”. 3 Star hotel with 5 star prices. Examples beyond price, food, decor, hair dryer kicked out every time my wife tried to use it. Water all over floor when you shower. Toilet holder hits you if you try to sit. Location is great for key Bergen sites although you’re in high tourist area with lots of tour groups. I’d strongly recommend Radisson. We ate there one night even though I’d paid for dinner in room price. Very nice. I would avoid this hotel.

  • en

    Debbi Segina


    Historic, grand hotel with great ambience. Serving afternoon Norwegian waffles - make your own - and a light buffet dinner free of charge.

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