Jewish Museum in Oslo i Oslo

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NorgeJewish Museum in Oslo



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15B, Calmeyers gate, 0183, Oslo, Oslo kommune, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 22 20 84 00
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Latitude: 59.916395, Longitude: 10.755275

kommentar 5




    My dear my all friends Jewish museum is showing spirituality here are many histrical story found many historians come here and they do collection with enjoy i mean Jewish museum is very excellent museum with enjoy ilove histry because histry help me thank you all my dear friends

  • en

    Joel Horwich


    Small Museum, specific to the Jewish experience in community in Norway. Pays specific attention to World War II. Very good for what it does, but someone esoteric in its mission.

  • Spencer West

    Spencer West


    This place confused us at first. You need to ring the bell to get in! Staff are wonderful and very informative. Tells the stories of nordic Jewish community through the Nazi invasion. Even if you know a lot of this history you will learn something. The building is well maintained and so is the exhibition. Oslo pass works as well!

  • en

    Hanne Mohr Sachs


    Small but very moving place with lots of information about the fate of many Jews, both Norwegian and those that tried to escape here. Very nice staff. Before the war the building was an orthodox synagogue but has not been used as such since then.

  • en

    Marc Slutsky


    Powerful museum because it tells such personal stories of the Shoah Then in a complete appreciation of Jewish life you have an incredible bathroom experience, not to speak of the story of Norwegian Jewish athletes featured.

nærmeste Museum

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