Lucky Bowl Holmen AS i Nesbru

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeLucky Bowl Holmen AS



🕗 åbningstider

6, Vogellund, 1394, Nesbru, Asker, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 66 84 87 42
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.8541403, Longitude: 10.4888644

kommentar 5

  • Christine Buhungirobwensi

    Christine Buhungirobwensi


    Nice place to hang out with friends👌

  • Hersh Wahab

    Hersh Wahab


    Very nice place l lake it.

  • Marcus Maarud Moen

    Marcus Maarud Moen


    Nice place, great staff and good opening hours. Bowling, Pool and a few arcade games

  • Sigurbjörn Þrastarson

    Sigurbjörn Þrastarson


    I should be giving 2 stars to this place but I am giving 3 because I had a great time. The problems with this place are the following. 1. They do not clean or disinfect the shoes between customers (or ever?) YUCK!!! 2. Some lanes have problems with the retrieval of the pins causing game stops or delays. 3. No organisation of the bowling balls. 4. Under staffed.

  • Krisztian Kovacs

    Krisztian Kovacs


    It's a nice place. I went there with my family the service was great.The bowling pitch was excellent. The prices are good so if you want to play bowling in Norway just go there it's a good choice.

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