Mo Hotel & Gjestegaard i Mo i Rana

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeMo Hotel & Gjestegaard


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5, Elias Blix's gate, 8624, Mo i Rana, Rana, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 75 15 22 11
internet side:
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Latitude: 66.3085223, Longitude: 14.1424612

kommentar 5

  • Deisy Gysi

    Deisy Gysi


    I booked in another place, and I was not notified that the hotel didn't existed anymore, so I was reallocated to this one. It was OK. The staff is nice, though sometimes they are in a super bad mood. My room was OK, super warm. Had to sleep with windows opened and heater off... There is a small portable fridge in the room, doesn't cool, but doesn't let things warm at least.

  • Stefano Mahlberg

    Stefano Mahlberg


    Great breakfast, nice little hotel, very kind staff. The room was a bit spartanic, but okay. Quiet neighborhood!

  • Xinyang Zhou

    Xinyang Zhou


    The hotel is listed with different name. I have noticed that in Norway many hotels are listed one name on their building and another one when booking the hotel. This hotel is called Babette Hotell on the building. It's a small hotel located in residential neighborhood. The reception guy seems very busy. He does everything including preparing for breakfast, cleaning, etc. Breakfast is ok for such a small hotel. Our rooms had a kitchenette which was nice. It even had a clothes washer though we didn't use. The rooms were extremely hot the night we stayed. Wish they had a fan.

  • en

    Ruben Bouwman


    Very nice hotel, good value for money... Friendly people and good breakfast...

  • Ruben Vellguth

    Ruben Vellguth


    Very good!

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