Nationaltheatret stasjon i Oslo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeNationaltheatret stasjon



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1, Ruseløkkveien, 0251, Oslo, Oslo kommune, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 815 00 888
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.9146445, Longitude: 10.7303056

kommentar 5

  • Christian Howlid

    Christian Howlid


    The best and easiest downtown station to connect between trains and metro. Walk indoors with only short distances compared to OSLO S. Beware, possibly not the best connection for Airport xpress train (flytoget) which you do not really need anyhow as most trains now are almost as fast...

  • en

    Jancy Lim


    There are two entrances/exits. I choose the correct way to my Airbnb apartment and it is a nice neighbourhood! Station as usual is having adequate signage with few but efficient staff. It is minutes from the castle and the national theatre.

  • Bhavnish Kamboj

    Bhavnish Kamboj


    One of the main station of city. Metro station is also adjacent and you can access it inside from the station. Bus and Tram stops also there just outside of station. Some convenience stores also available inside station to grab coffee or other things.

  • sandro da silva

    sandro da silva


    One of the main stations in downtown Oslo. It is a great station. For local, regional and national trains and all the subway lines go through this station. It is also a tram station and a bus stop. It is a short walk from the trains to the subway ans vice versa and the same from the trams. You have to pay for restrooms. There are some convenience stores.

  • Bo Myraas

    Bo Myraas


    A convenient station for east and westbound train and subway lines. It's perfectly located if you live in- or are visiting Vika or Aker Brygge, and it's easy to navigate.

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