Oslo City i Oslo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeOslo City



🕗 åbningstider

1, Stenersgata, 0050, Oslo, Oslo kommune, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 815 44 033
internet side: oslo-city.steenstrom.no
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.9126918, Longitude: 10.752917

kommentar 5

  • en

    John Wick


    The best in Oslo...huge mall with lots of well known brands A must visit...

  • Aiko Kiriyama

    Aiko Kiriyama


    Great mall with lots of great shops, spanning from electronics to records to clothes and fast food restaurants. The name fits well cause most of what you'd want from a city you can find there.

  • en

    Jakah Ceesaku


    A must visit place when you are in Oslo, they often have sale and their products are affordable.

  • sunil khera

    sunil khera


    Very natural, superb transportation, amazing weather, neat and clean, sunny in night during summer, dark during day in winter, Norwegian love beer, wine etc. Pretty expensive place..

  • Gabriel Ples

    Gabriel Ples


    The best place and most complete shopping center in Oslo. Holds a variety of shops that offer everything from groceries to fast food restaurants to anything else you might want basically. Must see if you like shopping 😉

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