Outland Storgata i Oslo

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeOutland Storgata



🕗 åbningstider

26, Storgata, 0184, Oslo, Oslo kommune, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 21 38 80 08
internet side: www.outland.no
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Latitude: 59.913989, Longitude: 10.7519938

kommentar 5

  • Christopher Munoz

    Christopher Munoz


    Great selection of games. Friendly and helpful staff.

  • Vegard Farstad

    Vegard Farstad


    Well-stocked LFGS (local friendly game shop) downstairs with both classics and someone the latest Kickstarter hits. They also have a large play area upstairs, in fact larger than the shop area. There's a huge selection of Magic cards, over 30 large tables, many games you can borrow to play, a place to sit and eat, and a toilet. Many people come there regularly to play D&D, when I was there last time there were between 5 and 10 sessions with 5-10 people each. Also a separate table for WH40k with full landscape and buildings.

  • Kim Nguyen

    Kim Nguyen


    Good selection of board games plus an entire floor upstairs that is dedicated for playing.

  • Torbjørn Brekke

    Torbjørn Brekke


    Generally one of my favourite places to buy tabletop game stuff, and they've got official dnd aďventurer's league stuff so uh its good

  • Xavier Vignon

    Xavier Vignon


    A lot of games and comics. A number of cards (Magic, Pokémon...) And a huge room to play. Here is all you will find in Outland.

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