Radisson Blu Hotel Ålesund i Ålesund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeRadisson Blu Hotel Ålesund



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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7, Sorenskriver Bulls gate, 6002, Ålesund, Ålesund, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 70 16 00 00
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 62.4757472, Longitude: 6.1552966

kommentar 5

  • en

    Richard Aponte


    Nice & clean hotel. Walking distance to plenty of places. No on site parking.

  • en

    Sasha Haugen


    Very nice hotel. Beautiful location and kind staff

  • Matt McFahn

    Matt McFahn


    Was a functional stay. Good views across the water. I have gold status and no upgrade or any of the gold perks? Won't stay here again.

  • JD Photoholic

    JD Photoholic


    Rooms are amazing. We were surpringly upgraded to the suite. Services are outstanding. Radisson Blu is highly recommend when in Ålesund.

  • Donna



    What a great hotel, great daytime staff. The ladies at the reception were so kind and helpful, really nice. Especially the lady that owns the jack russel. We were traveling with our dog, and she cuddled him every chance she got. Rooms tidy and nice, coffee and hot water cooker in the room. The view from the hotel is great, if you get a nice room. We paid for a room with ocean view, technically you could see the water if you leaned out the window. Couldn’t bother to ask for another room as we were tired from traveling. Note to hotel, if you up-sell the view, you have to give the view.

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