Radisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim i Trondheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeRadisson Blu Royal Garden Hotel, Trondheim


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73, Kjøpmannsgata, 7010, Trondheim, Trondheim, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 73 80 30 00
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
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Latitude: 63.433269, Longitude: 10.4048449

kommentar 5

  • bente strøm

    bente strøm


    Hotellet ligger i Trondheim sentrum. Fine rom og bra frokost

  • Andrew Lee

    Andrew Lee


    Room was small but clean. Hotel is well located close to the train station as well as a lot of good restaurants and bars. Price was ok. Was there in June, would have appreciated heavier/wider curtains to block the light as it never gets really dark at night.

  • Peter Hickey

    Peter Hickey


    Great location in this beautiful city. Good sized rooms, great breakfast with an incredible array of food, caters for everyone’s taste. You are in the heart of Trondheim here, with all that it has to offer

  • en

    Bryan Mosley


    Very nice hotel! Excellent location with amazing views and very close to restaurants, shopping, and sightseeing. The staff is extremely friendly and go "above and beyond" to take care of guests. I highly recommend this hotel to anyone staying in Trondheim. **Update** I came back for another stay and was put into a "Superior" room. These rooms are pretty much like the standard room but are directly facing the water with fantastic views. I thoroughly enjoyed my second stay as well.

  • andrey colerider

    andrey colerider


    Would have been better (5 stars) had I not gotten a parking ticket while I was checking in to the hotel. Also if they would have placed an iron and ironing board in my room. However, the business class room and free breakfast was excellent.

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