Scandic Ambassadeur Drammen i Drammen

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeScandic Ambassadeur Drammen



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7, Strømsø Torg, 3044, Drammen, Drammen, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 31 01 21 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.7400432, Longitude: 10.2013745

kommentar 5

  • Matt McFahn

    Matt McFahn


    The staff have been excellent. My bag didn't arrive at the airport and they have been very helpful. Good location too.

  • en

    Shanshan Xu


    Nice and clear room. We were quite happy when we just arrived and had a good night until breakfast. We came with tour with 30 people, and were asked to have breakfast in a small meeting room with the other 2 tour with about 80 people. (About 100 people all together in a small room ) We don’t have enough place to sit and had spend 20 mins at least on queuing and waiting for food. Whereas at the meantime, there was another opening buffet with few people in but they don’t allow us to go there. I feel upset and discriminated at this hotel in this country who paid so much attention on fairness and equalisation.

  • Hallstein Laupsa

    Hallstein Laupsa


    It's a good hotel with quality standards. The best thing of all; they don't use ISS for their cleaning!

  • en

    Jeffrey Landry


    Located steps from the transit in Drammen. Check in was smooth and the front desk staff were very helpful! Breakfast had plenty of options for everyone and always fresh! Great stay.

  • Mathias Borgli

    Mathias Borgli


    It's a lovely place to stay a couple of nights and the lobby is very beautiful and the food is amazing i wouldn't give it a 5 star rating because that is just for the best of the best but you're not far off. Would recommend this hotel if you're in Drammen.

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