Altafjord Gjestegaard & Spa AS i Alta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeAltafjord Gjestegaard & Spa AS


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19, Bossekopveien, 9511, Alta, Alta, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 78 43 19 60
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.9637292, Longitude: 23.2381379

kommentar 5

  • yves sebastien

    yves sebastien


    This isn't a spa hotel, food ok

  • en

    Liam Clarke


    Sits on the coast, away from the main town and well run. Breakfast was good and filling.

  • en



    Nice and cozy place. Good food and desserts

  • Dani Rojo Gama

    Dani Rojo Gama


    Very nice hotel with beautiful views to the fjord. The rooms are big and well-equipped. The price is average considering the prices of hotels in Norway. A lot of high quality food in the breakfast. Recommend it!

  • Enrico Baldolini

    Enrico Baldolini


    I spent three nights there with my girlfriend, in January 2014. The hotel is very comfortable, quiet and in an extraordinary position, facing the Altafjord. We were lucky enough to see the Northern Lights just outside our room! I would recommend it to everyone, and I am looking forward to going back there soon in the future, to see the Northern Lights once again.

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