Scandic Alta i Alta

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeScandic Alta


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61, Løkkeveien, 9509, Alta, Alta, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 78 48 27 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.9660019, Longitude: 23.2692009

kommentar 5

  • en

    foad alkhatib


    Very good location and good service with kind hotel team . Wish Scandic management and their team all the best.

  • Aundry Windsor Beck

    Aundry Windsor Beck

    ::'s not as good as some of the other Scandic I have spent out.Last night the fire alarms went on the 5th floor about 4-5 times...NOBODY from Management inform the whole 5th floor it was a false alarm..a 5 times as it seemed they did not know what to do or cared that People were trying to sleep for the next day of business and this was at 9pm plus time. Rooms are stock bare of nothing..short of towels...power plugs not working due to later not plugged in to powerboats and front door security door lock would not release...had to giggle...pull..giggle...bash...finally pulling with both hands it came out..this was everytime entering the room.I informed front desk and was told..will have to get a key cut tomorrow...with this blank look of stupidity..I just walked to give the Manager "a dunce cap award" for his mangering skills at this hotel.🤔👎

  • Tarjei Alvær Heggernes

    Tarjei Alvær Heggernes


    Nice hotel, great breakfast. The older part of the hotel has not been renovated, and is not that hot, but the newer part it nice!

  • Liisu L

    Liisu L


    Really good breaksfast. Clean rooms. Nice service. And in this hotel they have nice big Sauna with relaxingroom.

  • Adolf Cheng

    Adolf Cheng


    Nice clean suite with wooden floor, a bit narrow in space for large luggage. Huge lobby and corridor with access to brilliantly decorated dinning hall, spacious buffet quarter. Very modern and comfortable. The cathedral of the Northern Lights sits less than 100 meters southwest of the hotel.

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