Lusparken Vaskeri i Trondheim

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeLusparken Vaskeri



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12, Fjordgata, 7010, Trondheim, Trondheim, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 63.434894, Longitude: 10.4037298

kommentar 5

  • Magic Banana Film Prod.

    Magic Banana Film Prod.


    Quite complicated because it is only possible to pay with credit card and the inatructions are in norwegian only. Washing powder was empty and the room was very dirty. Nothing to sit while waiting but at least it we had fresh clothes.

  • en

    Eric Sjoberg


    Simple but good little laundromat. Has automatic detergent dispensers but they were empty when I was there, so bring your own detergent. I recommend putting the driers on "extra dry" otherwise your clothes come out a bit wet.

  • Markus Erwee

    Markus Erwee


    Amazing find. It is a local laudromat, open to the public. Very easy to use and extremely cheap. I paid 25kr for a small load of washing and 5kr to dry. Larger loads seem to be 40kr for a wash and 10kr to dry. Load your clothes in the machine. It seems soap is dispensed automatically (at least on the small machines). But you can easily just bring your own soap to be safe, I guess. Simply press the small green start button on the card swipe machine, then choose the machine you need using the pad at the top, press OK, swipe / insert or tap your card and wait. It will say "authorising" and then once done, the timer will start counting down. You can then press the start knob on the machine. Amazing find and super cheap! I left the machine to run and went for a walk. Your clothes are safe in Norway.

  • en

    Amanda Skrabut


    It is one of two self service laundry places we could find as we did an extended Norway in a Nutshell tour. It is at the bottom store front area of an apartment building. It looks like it is a laundry spot for the building, but it is a business with a posted business sign and hours (0700-2100). Clean. Small and large washers are 25 and 40 nok respectively. Small and large dryers are 5 and 10. Accepts credit cards. Bring your own soap. Not busy. Great find!

  • en

    arthur hinson


    Wash and dry all your clothes for 30 Kr! Or you can pay your hotel 50 Kr to wash one pair of your boxers. They accept MasterCard and Visa and I found it easy to use once I finally found the pay machine - see picture. 25 Kr to wash and 5 Kr to dry.

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