Scandic Ishavshotel i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeScandic Ishavshotel


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2, Fredrik Langes gate, 9008, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 66 64 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.6495552, Longitude: 18.9619296

kommentar 5

  • long sydney

    long sydney


    Only came for the pasta dinner. Was perfect. Great prawns

  • en

    Øyvind Iversen


    Cold and sterile place. Quite expensive. But good location at the Tromsø sea side.

  • en

    Petri Juutilainen


    Nice clean hotel in the centrum area. Good breakfast, on of the best that I have found in Europe. Big rooms, nice view on the waterfront side. A good place to stay at your visit to Tromssa.

  • en

    Joanne Greig


    What a fabulous hotel, I cannot fault our time here! We had a week-long stay over Christmas Day 2017 and have nothing but brilliant things to say. The hotel is welcoming, as are the staff. The family rooms aren't huge but are comfortable and all you need for sleeping, with extremely comfortable beds. The breakfast buffet was and abundant selection of fresh food that should please even the pickiest of eaters - standard hot offerings nd cereals along with fresh vegetables, fruits, local smoked and pickled fish and cold cute, cheese, the list goes on. There was a great lounge bar on the first level that overlooked the lobby and outside to the port where staff were happy to serve coffees, cocktails or nothing at all while we lounged for as long as we liked in couches that were as comfy as home. The dinner buffet was breakfast on steroids and again the selection, freshness and quality was amazing, with sweets and a more extensive cheese board selection also included. Rooms were serviced daily and staff were thorough and efficient. The whole hotel had an extremely homely and welcoming feel. We woukd love to return one day!

  • Franky Kurniago

    Franky Kurniago


    Great hotel. It has nice lobby with wonderful decoration.. Room is decent size but clean and tidy.. The highlight of our 2 night stay there was definitely the breakfast: so many options and all good quality.. Don't miss out the pancake and the drink counter when you are there.. Definitely worth it..

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