TORP Sandefjord Airport i Sandefjord

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeTORP Sandefjord Airport


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130, Torpveien, 3241, Sandefjord, Sandefjord, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 33 42 70 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.1824458, Longitude: 10.2569121

kommentar 5

  • Stefan Böll

    Stefan Böll


    Lazy and unfirendly Staff of KLM. Empty counter with 30 people and no Service, and one counter with staff, but she didnt like to check them inn. Waiting 30min without moving forward. She just sat there and enjoyed christmas by not doing her job. Then people wonder why tge flight shedule get' messed up. Anoying to travel like this on christmas!

  • Chia-Yun Denny

    Chia-Yun Denny


    Not recommended. There is no bridge in this airport. In addition, the weather are always bad here, as you can see in the photo. When there are pouring rain or storm, you will need to walk in the rain or storm to go inside the building. Also, there are not many restaurants and shops here so you kind of have to wait on your seat for a long time. Another thing is that this airport is way too far from Oslo. If you don't own a car or rent a car, be prepared to suffer. The bus is not that convenience. If the price is not too different than the price to Oslo. You should just fly to Oslo. There are just a lot of things to be improved here. To be short, FLY TO OSLO TO MAKE YOUR LIFE EASIER!!!

  • ellis andrew

    ellis andrew


    Small airport, very very expensive. Everything was smooth though. Not big ques and they have some great relaxation chairs upstairs.




    As always the staff working at the airport are very professional, Kindly note that the airport opening at 04:15 and closes at 24:00 I was lucky because I arrived half hour before the official opening and a gentleman open the door earlier outside temperature was 3 degrees Celsius....

  • Daniel Keby

    Daniel Keby


    Small airport which makes it a pleasure to travel to/from. I've always had a pleasant experience travelling via this place. The staff have been friendly every time.

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