Tromsø Taxi AS i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeTromsø Taxi AS


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22, Heilovegen, 9015, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 03011
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.6761251, Longitude: 18.9288386

kommentar 5

  • KISOBOKA 2016

    KISOBOKA 2016


    Excellent staff

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    Jonathan Guz


    Made an appointment for a pick up the day prior. Day of no one shows up and after calling several times a very non-helpful lady picks up to tell us thst she indeed has our reservation but there are still no cars available to pick us up. They arrived after 20 minutes, and still added 100NOK before we entered the taxi. If we were not scheduled for a flight we would have refused the service. That being said, other taxi businesses were equally unaccessible, so I assume that Tromso Taxi will continue to offer sub-par service in the future. If possible, rent your own car.

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    Kay Seljeseth


    Pre-ordered taxi did not show. Almost lost flight.

  • Kim Saxvik

    Kim Saxvik


    Mostly nice taxi driver but very badly coordinated, when you order taxi inn advance, expect to wait up to an 1/2 hour, så watch put if have a plane to catch😡

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    Jamie Skovron


    When I arrived in Tromso it cost me 170KR from the airport to Tromso Bed and Books. I called the taxi company at 8:20 this morning for a return taxi back to the airport, the operator asked if I would like it now and I said how about 10 mins as I am just packing my last things up. The taxi arrives and i notice a starting rate of 103KR; which he explains is due to the higher rates over the weekends. When I asked how much extra it would be he said 20% but to my surprise the total is 245KR as I also had to pay 17KR more for 'pre-booking'. None of this information was passed onto me from the operator and I certainly wouldn't call "come in 10 minutes" prebooking. The drivers attitude towards the situation did not help with him stating this is normal for Norway. His license plate was ZH 44814; a white Subaru outback.

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