Clarion Collection Hotel Amanda i Haugesund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeClarion Collection Hotel Amanda



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93, Smedasundet, 5501, Haugesund, Haugesund, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 52 80 82 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4131841, Longitude: 5.2670571

kommentar 5

  • Julian Barthel

    Julian Barthel


    Update:Have now been at this a few times and the cleaning at the hotel is way below average. I have had to contact the reception at all layovers. Old:Clarion hotel Amanda is a Nice hotel with å cool movie concept. However the Rom I got was very small, when opening the entrance door it almost hit the bed. The hotel is located at the harbour in a very cosy part of town

  • Fabio Mac

    Fabio Mac


    Clarion Collection Hotel is a really good accomodation place with a very good service with a special attention of Ms Kamilla at the reception. The installations are very comfortable and very well located, it's perfect, just in front of a water channel which makes the place very nice and inspiring.

  • Kevin Fossum

    Kevin Fossum


    Being Clarion, it does not live up to expectations. The rooms are very outdated and cold. The staff however is very nice

  • j holtedahl

    j holtedahl


    great food, great beds, good service and nice having a sauna

  • Michał Kołodziejczyk

    Michał Kołodziejczyk


    Nice hotel. Great location. Good service. Limited breakfast selection. Very low water pressure under shower.

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