Thon Hotel Maritim i Stavanger

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeThon Hotel Maritim


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32, Kongsgata, 4005, Stavanger, Stavanger, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 51 85 05 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 58.9687505, Longitude: 5.7355903

kommentar 5

  • en

    Douglas Jones


    Very friendly & helpful staff. Breakfast outstanding. It is in a very covenant location.

  • Carole Reyes

    Carole Reyes


    Nice room and breakfast but no A/C

  • en

    Karl Steel


    Very small rooms. Fire alarm system works not properly. I was waked up 2 times in 5 days in the middle of the night without any reason. What would be in a real emergency situation. Place dangerous to live.

  • en

    Michaela Fouki


    I was there for work, nice food and rooms. The location is great. Very nice feeling looking out the window ..there's a beautiful lake outside. Close to the town centre and the shops and restaurants.

  • Shuan Kong

    Shuan Kong


    Breakfast was buffet. Lots of people were there and seemed to like it a lot. It was more than adequate, in terms of variety and amounts. This hotel was easy to find from the bus terminus, the main reason we chose this place. The rooms were adequately clean, we judged this by the clean white newly ironed sheets, and clean towels on the rack. It was nice to have your own fridge with choice of drinking water, wines or beer, even if you might have no use for the alcohol. Definitely recommended if you are in town for a short visit. I would rate this hotel as a convenient 4 stars hotel. The location plays a big part for this choice.

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