Thon Hotel Saga i Haugesund

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeThon Hotel Saga



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Mandagåben 24 timer
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11, Skippergaten, 5528, Haugesund, Haugesund, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 52 86 28 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.4123791, Longitude: 5.2718033

kommentar 5

  • Trond Nesse

    Trond Nesse


    Old cosy hotel with fantastic staff in the heart of Haugesund.

  • Geoffrey Putnam

    Geoffrey Putnam


    Not happy with house keeping and the facilities are extremely warn. Reception is serviceminded and the price is cheep.

  • en

    Addie Heiden


    Located right downtown, got an upgrade for free, great breakfast and lovely staff

  • Leonardo Michels

    Leonardo Michels


    Great breakfast. Decent room service. Comfortable bed.

  • en

    Jimmy O


    Where to start!!!??? This is a hotel with two or three stars! And that's a lot! The staff is horrible, unkind and impolite. the worst ever at reception impolite and that makes you feel terrible, they refuse my wife a stay without any reason , they hang up on me when I called to question why. How could a booking which was done in weeks and paid for, then to throw her out in the rain in the cold is unacceptable. for you not returning my calls and hanging up on me , that tells me your refusal is purely the colour of ones skin. Shame on you and I will seek legal action.

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