Clarion Collection Hotel With i Tromsø

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NorgeClarion Collection Hotel With



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35-37, Sjøgata, 9291, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 66 42 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.6504615, Longitude: 18.9597723

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tracey Mell


    This hotel is a diamond find! We booked a room here for our midnight sun marathon trip as it was one of the "cheapest" (nothing in Tromsø can be said to be cheap) and have been nothing but pleasently surprised. The hotel is very clean and environmentally friendly and the staff are lovely and welcoming. Breakfast, mid day snacks, tea and coffee and an evening meal are all included and are delicious. The rooms are a good size, with very comfortable beds and a very clean and smart bathroom. On the 6th floor there is a basic gym with views to die for and a sauna to help your aching muscles. I would definitely stay here again and will recommend it to anyone that will listen upon my return to England.

  • Julien Cornet

    Julien Cornet


    Excellent hotel. Worth the extra few bucks for a view. Free waffles and complementary dinner ! Excellent breakfast. Friendly staff. Small sauna on the top floor. Great location right in town, view in the docks.

  • Lorenzo Tinari

    Lorenzo Tinari


    Excellent hotel, views of the bay were amazing! Sauna is amazing, as is the almost constant stream of food on offer at the buffet!

  • en

    vivienization V


    The best hotel ever, it is simply perfect to me Nice food provided, comfortable and clean room, super nice view, easily accessible location, very friendly and helpful staff, Thanks for their information about the location of seeing the northern light, we saw a wonderful light at our second day of stay!

  • Andrew Brasier

    Andrew Brasier


    View over harbour is very good, well worth extra money. Saw the Northern Lights from our room last night. Beds very comfortable. Breakfast was good, evening meal was basic fare.

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