Quality Hotel Saga i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeQuality Hotel Saga



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2, Richard Withs plass, 9008, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 60 70 00
internet side: www.nordicchoicehotels.no
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 69.6481966, Longitude: 18.9575269

kommentar 5

  • Evgenii Sidorov

    Evgenii Sidorov


    A lovely hotel. Definitely in love with reception ladies who are always ready to help visitors. Recommend to stay here.

  • en

    Markus Pikkarainen


    Excellent view and service. Great place.

  • kenneth kristiansen

    kenneth kristiansen


    Ok rooms, clean. Great service and breakfast

  • Kristan Webb

    Kristan Webb


    Our second visit to Norway, second time in a Quality hotel and again very impressed with the standard of hotel. Good city centre location, but nice and quiet. Inclusive breakfast with a wide and changing selection. Free tea and coffee 24/7 and best of all free waffles 3-5.30pm! They also offered a reasonably priced buffet for dinner. All the staff were friendly and helpful and the reception also helped us book one of the outings! The room was clean and comfortable and we'll certainly be using them again!

  • Shawn Low

    Shawn Low


    Centrally located hotel in the middle of town. Modern rooms (furniture is abit chunky and cheap) are decent. Ask for rooms with harbour views. You can catch the arctic cathedral. Includes breakfast and there’s free flow of coffee/tea all day and DIY waffles from 3-5pm daily. Good value considering how pricey Norway is. Late checkout on Sunday.

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