Scandic Grand Tromsø i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeScandic Grand Tromsø


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44, Storgata, 9008, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 75 37 77
internet side:
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Latitude: 69.6480194, Longitude: 18.9535629

kommentar 5

  • en

    Steve P


    Staff good. Breakfast really good. Rooms ok.

  • Vebjørn Johansen

    Vebjørn Johansen


    It's a basic good hotel. Enjoyed my stay here, but would like to see a richer breakfast table. It wasn't bad though! Definitely worth a stay.

  • en

    Dawn Dillon


    Arrived on a Saturday afternoon and did a quick scout around. Pizza place opposite, prices start at around £17.00, lemonade £5.00 and a beer £10.00. Sunday morning breakfast was chaos, staff do not sit you down, tables not cleared as people sitting down when people were leaving. Took about 30 mins to get a table and have breakfast. Lots to choose from juice, tea and coffee and buffet style. Paid for a suite on 6 or 7 floor could still hear noise from the street below. Staff friendly on reception. Free hot drinks in reception. Had dinner at the Art Cafe. Reindeer and beef stew around £22-24 English pounds. Good service and popular. Burger place around corner. Also expensive, serves pub style food. Spent 3 days in Tromsø and loved it even though pricey. Worth taking the bus ride to go up the mountain by cable car, cost about £39.00 per person for return.

  • Georg M

    Georg M


    The Scandic Grand Tromsø has to my opinion the best breakfast of all Scandics. The rooms are large and clean and the location is perfect for exploring the city. It is 100 m away from the central Tromsø parking garage which is build into the mountain. Prices for parking are reasonable. Actually it would be a five star Scandic if the night stuff would be more helpfull. At 2 am we experienced very loud techno music which last to 4am, no way to sleep. Several attempts to the stuff failed. A very good impression of a hotel drops if one can not sleep.... Hope the management reads this and takes action to avoid this for the future because we would like to come back.

  • Isabella Pinzauti

    Isabella Pinzauti


    The room was warm and cozy even if a little bit small for 2 persons. The breakfast was huge with a big variety of choices (3 different kinds of eggs, bacon, sausages, meatball, beans, cheese... whatever 😊) Free coffe or tea were always at hand in the hall all day long.The only annoing thing was the queue for the elevator as there were only one available from the hall

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