Radisson Blu Hotel, Tromsø i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeRadisson Blu Hotel, Tromsø



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7, Sjøgata, 9259, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 60 00 00
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
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Latitude: 69.6490212, Longitude: 18.9595945

kommentar 5

  • Arnstein Orten

    Arnstein Orten


    Nice but not great breakfast buffet, small exercise room, nice staff. Interior is a bit difficult to find your way in and I got lost trying to find our seminar room. Nice, clean rooms.

  • Snehal G

    Snehal G


    It’s right in the bustle of things. Easiest to go out on your local trips & Northern Lights hunts. Clean, good sized rooms. Very friendly staff. The food is good.

  • Ron van Bruchem

    Ron van Bruchem


    Very good hotel with nice view. Staff super friendly. Good breakfast. Comfortable and clean rooms. Reasonable price. Recommended.

  • Karin Russell

    Karin Russell


    Quite a nice hotel. Good breakfast selection, nice facilities overall and great view over Tromso Harbour. We had a problem with the electrics in our room initially, we were moved to another (nicer) room, only to find the air conditioning thermostat hanging out of the wall! A little bit disappointing! Customer service was very good overall. We needed to make a call to our bank and the reception staff were more than happy to let us use the reception phone rather than expecting us to do so from our room and incur a charge.

  • en

    Philip Clee


    Nice hotel. Busy. Rooms clean tidy and reasonably sized - at least the ones we were in. Breakfast fine. Seem to cope well with special dietary needs well. Lifts arrived quickly and delivered you to your floor quickly. Sauna - 2 individual gender specific. Could take around 5 in each at one time - assuming both the same size - which is a little small for a big hotel in Norway. Clearly I could only go in the male one. Fitness room too small from a UK point of view, one of each bike, tread mill, cross trainer and weight benches and the like. Remember it is a big hotel. But presumably Norwegians get exercise in other ways. Good central position. Negatives are - poor lounge facilities. Insufficient room for a big hotel, also what is there is lacking in chairs and the like. Also standard tea making facilities in the room are poor. Previous hotels we stayed in in Norway had free tea and coffee in the lounge and that seemed standard for a lot of places. So nice hotel but we would be unlikely to stay again because of the negatives - but that is about personal preference rather than a criticism of the hotel itself. Nothing at all wrong with the hotel and the staff were excellent.

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