Enter City Hotel i Tromsø

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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NorgeEnter City Hotel



🕗 Ã¥bningstider

48, Grønnegata, 9008, Tromsø, Tromsø, NO Norway
kontakter telefon: +47 77 78 10 50
internet side: entertromso.no
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 69.6484359, Longitude: 18.9526274

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Schundler

    Andrew Schundler


    Although I did not have the opportunity to stay here, I went in to ask if I could leave my bags for a few hours while I had meetings in this side of town. The manager was more than willing and very nice, and was very helpful giving me information about the city and the accommodations. Will absolutely plan to stay here next time I’m in town.

  • Kiril Karaatanasov

    Kiril Karaatanasov


    A bit tight on space. This is apartment hotel and rooms are not serviced. Location is great. There is free WiFi. There is paid parking. The entrance to the parking is super tight and a bigger car will be quite a challenge to get in. There are restaurants and supermarkets close by

  • 김현호



    We arrived at night and reception was closed but we were able to get a key from the Viking Hotel. The bed is fluffy and good, and the water pressure of the shower is high. Location is good and there is Seven-Eleven two blocks below.

  • en

    Jerome Shallow


    Good location, Nice big rooms, with kitchen oven and dishwasher.. Highly recommend

  • Eric N

    Eric N


    Clean, tidy rooms in a central location. Having a kitchenette is a huge advantage.

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